Sunday, September 9, 2007

Computer on the Blitzo

Friends: As I had mentioned before that I had gone off line for awhile because my computer has been giving me alot of trouble wellit is acting up again and if by chance I should go off line again please bear with me I will try my bet to get back on line. The purpose of this post this is to ask for your help, if you all enjoy reading my blog and enjoy visiting here, Im asking for donations to help me stay on line. Anything you can donate is well appreciated. I as yooou know have been having some problems as well with my health and now this. So I ask you all for your help to help me stay on line and continue to bring you the best articles I can post. Even bring a smile or laugh into your regular day. So if you wish to help out then just please donate . Remember that your doantions will help me to stay on line if your intersted in helping out then donate if your not interested and don't give a dam then I don't either. I hope tho that the friends that I have made and met will come to my aide, and even the people who just enjoy visting this site will want my blogs to continue.. I need to get this computer fixed. Id like to get a new one but this I know is really impossible to wish for. I shall try to stay on line as long as I can..Thanks . Your friend lilyruth

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