Sunday, September 9, 2007

Domestic Assault with bag of Cheetos

It was a real bell-ringer for a Des Moines, Iowa, man when he was charged with domestic assault after bonking his father in the face with a bag of Cheetos.Patrick Hamman, 22, was arrested for throwing the bag of Cheetos at his father, Michael Hamman, hitting him in the face and covering poor dad in Cheetos dust.It was a cheesy thing to do, Patrick said, admitting he was high on methamphetamines at the time of the argument.Good thing the bag didn't contain the world's largest Cheeto found by Navy Petty Officer Mike Evans in 2003. That baby was about the size of a small lemon.


Anonymous said...

What a crazy story but it is a good thing tht the cheeto was not a big one. ha ha ha What a wierd world we live in.

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