Ellie suffered severe head and neck injuriesEllie Lawrenson's grandmother has told a court that she was responsible for the five-year-old's death after she was mauled to death by the family dog.
Jackie Simpson, 45, was baby-sitting Ellie when she let the pit bull terrier into her house on Merseyside.
It attacked the child causing 72 injuries. Asked if she accepted blame, Ms Simpson said: "Yes, because I let the dog in."
Ms Simpson, from St Helens, denies manslaughter by gross negligence.
"If things had gone the way they should have that day I wouldn't have had the kids anyway. I opened the door and it's my fault. I never thought the dog would do anything to Ellie," Ms Simpson said.
Cross-examining her at Liverpool Crown Court, Neil Flewitt QC, said: "You let that child down, didn't you?"
"Yes," she answered.
Ms Simpson admitted consuming two bottles of wine and smoking 10 cannabis joints on the day of the attack.
Tormented dog
Earlier she told the jury that the dog, a pit bull terrier called Reuben, had been kicked, punched and tormented by members of her family.
Kiel was in a mood and punched and kicked the dog. He then left the house... he punched him in the head and kicked him on his back leg, the dog yelped.
Jacqueline Simpson
Ms Simpson said her son Kiel had once lashed out at Reuben shortly before it bit Ellie's aunt, Kelsey.
Speaking about the attack on Kelsey, the defendant said her son Kiel, 24 - who in April pleaded guilty to owning a dangerous dog - punched and kicked the animal 10 minutes before it bit her.
She said: "Kiel was in a mood and punched and kicked the dog. He then left the house, I had never seen him do that before. He punched him in the head and kicked him on his back leg, the dog yelped."
On other occasions, Ms Simpson said Kelsey herself had tormented the animal.
Family rule
She denied that she had broken a family rule by allowing the dog inside her home where he attacked Ellie.
Ms Simpson said she had no reason to suspect any danger if the pit bull terrier was allowed inside.
She admitted that she knew Reuben was a powerful, banned dog. But she denied worrying whether St Helens Council would discover the banned dog in her home and said a vet told her son Kiel that Reuben needed behavioural classes.
Mr Flewitt asked her: "You have a strong, powerful dog you know is banned by the law - a dog that should have but wasn't getting behavioural classes - and you knew that in the summer of 2006?"
"Yes," she replied.
Mr Flewitt said if she considered Reuben's exceptional strength and previous attacks, she must "have realised it could have killed a five-year-old girl".
Ms Simpson replied: "I wouldn't have thought it could have done that to a baby it had grown up with."
The dog was later shot dead by police.
The case was adjourned until Friday, when lawyers will make their closing speeches.
It is thought the jury will retire to consider its verdict on Monday. Source: news
Hy lilyruth, I was just reading your blog and I loved it.
Just by the facy that you like Frankenstein & Dracula movies makes me like you already. There arn;t to many of us around...LOL
Thanks for the visit and the very kind words.
BTW, I'm a Cat person.
Dusty and Nickkie are the names of my 2 guys..
Hi Lilyruth
Thanks for posting this important blog. It sickens me to think how dogs are treated by uneducated owners. Too many humans look at dogs as a show toy, bragging thing.
I am always hurt when dogs attack especially when it's due to owners mistreatment.
I also feel bad for the dogs who have been made to react to people like this. Dogs aren't born bad, they are all cute playful baby puppies. When humans make them vicious it's only humane to protect people and euthanize the dog before someone is badly hurt or killed. The person responsible for the mistreatment of the dog needs to suffer some harse punishment as well.
Sorry to go so deep with this, I just love dogs so much but also love people so something needs to change about how people are treating dogs.
dd2; Im glad you enjoy visiting this site and that you like me already I also like you not only because youlike Frankenstein and Dracula movies but because your picture looks good SMILE and also because you love animals even ttho it is cats.So even tho its cats you have would you not like to help out the poor dogs anyway with a few coins at least? it would be so helpful towards the fund raiser? And Robin Im glad tht you did go deep with your reply Your comment is sincere and I can tel you are sincere about your love of dogs I hope you continue to visit here and also I do wish you would hep us out by doanting a few dollars to help these poor helpless animals who cannot speak up for theirselves, Anything you can give is needed Im sure since your feelings are so deep youd be willing to help us raise some funds. You can make a difference so please I ask you to please give from your heart to help Save the DOGs.. Give the few dolars you have laying around from change accumulated from your grocery shopping or movies or drugstore change anything is welcomed.
Robin Read the bottom part of the reply I gave to dd2 and please open your heart you love dogs I an tell by your comment so please help us Save the dgos by giving a donation to Save the dogs it can be a feww dollars left over from the movies or grocery shopping etc. You can make a difference so please since you feel so deeply you can understand how we need your help to Save the dogs give now what ever you can give into the Chip In box and thanks.
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