Saturday, July 12, 2008

Chocalates can kill your Dogs

If anyone has told that chocolate can pose a health risk for dogs, it is a fact as it can sometime be very poisonous too. Chocolate is known for its caffeine and Theobromine content in it which can be very toxic to the dogs on consuming it. Even though those contents are seen in all kinds of chocolates, they are seen more in dark chocolate varieties. When a dog consumes chocolate either in moderate amounts or in large quantities, it might result in nausea, accelerated heart beat, accelerated breathing otherwise known as hyperventilating and vomiting. Even very small quantities of chocolates given over a period of time to the dogs can cause delirious effects to the organs of the body such as liver.

A dog that has been affected seriously can experience seizures and to a greater extent leading towards its death. Since dogs and cats have different digestive systems as they are carnivores by nature unlike the human beings, it is advised that they are not fed with chocolates even in moderate quantities.

The substances in chocolates such as the theobromine, theophyline and caffeine belong to the group call methylxanthine alkaloids that they may not be digested or metabolized by dogs in an effective manner. When chocolate is consumed by dogs, those substances are known to stay in the blood stream of the dogs for even up to 20 hours that the dogs might experience hallucinations, epileptic seizures, racy heartbeats, internal bleeding and also death. If some one thinks that the dogs might die only if they consume huge quantities of chocolate, he is wrong as one chocolate bar is enough to cause excessive illness leading to death in dogs.

The owners of the dogs or any guest who visit the house having dogs are not advised to treat the animal with chocolates assuming that it might not harm them. This is even applicable to other pets in the household. When a dog accidentally consumes chocolate, they should be taken to the veterinarian immediately to avoid any serious problems to the animal. They are usually induced to vomit the chocolate they have consumed to avoid any further complications. Even recipes containing chocolates should not be given to the dogs.

Please spread this message to all to help prevent our loving pets falling victims to poison due to chocolates. Dog and Chocolate Info says to spread the word..

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