Friday, July 23, 2010

Poem for New Pet Owners

Don't smell crotches, don't eat plants, Don't steal food or underpants. Don't eat my socks; don't grab my hair,,, DON'T RIP THE STUFFING FROM THAT CHAIR!!

Don't eat those peas, don't touch that bush, Don't chew my shoes, what IS this mush!?! Eat your cookies, drink your drink, Outta the toilet! Outta the sink!

AWAY FROM THE LITER BOX, IT'S FOR THE CAT! (and must you kiss me after that!?!) Raising a puppy is not for the lazy, Those rugrats are funny, but also quite crazy.

Don't despair through the toil and the strife. "Cause after three years you'll get back your life! So lets go for walkies, so you can do your "thing" And maybe I'll get back my diamond ring!

-Author unknown

Be sure to join my Googles Friends Connect and show you care...Also give a small donation to help give abandoned dogs better lives.. Thank you


Anonymous said...


The good vibe for everybody.
Problems of health blogging me at home (for the moment) I take of come here, participate a little good grow has all !

Take care, Dennis from [url=]My Online Payday[/url] website!

jeff said...

I have many dogs. I treat them as my brothers since I am the only child. Their company is enjoyable.
